Harvestable Riparian Buffers

Harvestable Riparian Buffers

Nick Pate, owner of Raising Cane Ranch in Snohomish, has incorporated several agroforestry practices on his farm. His food forest also serves as a harvestable, multi-functional, or working buffer. The trees and shrubs in the food forest essentially act as a second layer to his native forest riparian buffer, which borders the Snohomish River.

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Farm & Forest: Growing Agroforestry in Puget Sound

Farm & Forest: Growing Agroforestry in Puget Sound

Our resident agroforester Carrie Brausieck has been researching, implementing, and educating on agroforestry in the region for over half a decade, but it’s only been the past two years that agroforestry has become widely noticed.

“We’re the only organization in the state that has an agroforestry program and a person on staff with an agroforestry title,” Carrie said. “Our program is leading the way for this innovative land use within our county and throughout the state.” Read on to learn about the work we've been doing in agroforestry.

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Native Plants for a Healthy Forest

Native Plants for a Healthy Forest

How do you manage your forest for both economic and ecological benefits? Snohomish Conservation District partnered with the Northwest Natural Resource Group to provide a comprehensive and hands-on day of learning about ecological forestry, a holistic system of forest management that encompasses the health of not just the trees, but the health and biodiversity of all aspects of the forest.

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Orca Recovery Day During COVID-19 A Success

Orca Recovery Day During COVID-19 A Success

“Orcatober” is officially in the books!

COVID-19 has been a disruption for all of us, but it couldn’t get in the way of recovery efforts for our Southern Resident Killer Whales. We were fortunate to be able to celebrate Orca Recovery Day with all who participated in our scavenger hunt, rain barrel sale and Eco Challenge.

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