What is a Conservation District?
Across the United States, nearly 3000 conservation districts offer free help to residents to steward land, water, forests, wildlife and related natural resources. Their mission, which began after the devastating dust bowl era of the 1930’s, relied on working with farmers and rural landowners on a one-on-one basis.
Hugh Hammond Bennett, Chief of the Soil Conservation Service, and Soil Scientist Howard Finnell, recognized the need for the conservation of soil and water, prevention of wind erosion, and taking care of the land.
The conservation districts of Washington State.
Our Legacy
This legacy continues today with conservation districts, which are tasked with local implementation of conservation practices, both urban and rural. There are currently 45 conservation districts in Washington State.
Snohomish Conservation District is a political subdivision of state government with no regulatory authority. We have been working with farmers, city residents, rural and suburban landowners on a voluntary basis since 1941. District boundaries include Camano Island (added in 1961) and most of Snohomish County. We operate with a diverse staff ranging from engineers, resource planners, community conservation staff, restoration specialists, a field crew, outreach specialists and administrative staff.
More than half of the land in Washington State is privately owned. Without a doubt, the success of conservation efforts depends on private landowner participation.
Our Mission
Snohomish Conservation District’s mission is to work cooperatively with others to promote and encourage conservation and responsible use of natural resources.
Our Commitment to Equity and Inclusion
We strive to work in partnership with all, to provide equitable and accessible programming on a nondiscriminatory basis, and to continually improve how we do so.
Our Funding
Conservation Districts are sub-units of state government. As such, all 45 conservation districts in Washington receive some basic funding from the Washington State Conservation Commission. Snohomish Conservation District is also supported with two assessments, one from Island County for Camano Island, and one from Snohomish County. The District aggressively pursues local, state and Federal grants to further leverage our base funding. Wherever possible, the District partners with other entities to achieve similar goals working with land owners, urban, rural and sub-urban residents on conservation issues.
Rates & Assessment Information
Snohomish County
Effective January 1, 2023, Snohomish Conservation District receives $10 per parcel ($.10/acre) for a 10-year period.
Island County/Camano Island
Beginning January 1, 2020, and for the next 10 years, will be a range of charges up to $5/parcel plus up to $.10/acre per year. Resource designated forest land would range up to an amount not to exceed $3.00 per forest landowner plus 10% of the weighted average of acreage charges imposed on all other land use categories.
**Conservation Districts are authorized to receive a special assessment under RCW 89.08.400.