Habitat on the Farm
Tips on Land & Water Management for Puget Sound Rural Living
There’s a lot to know about owning and managing land. This booklet will give you lots of information and ideas for a place that you can be proud to own. We’re all part of a watershed and our actions can affect others. The things that you and your neighbors do can greatly improve the health of the resources we all appreciate about Puget Sound.
Consejos Sobre el Manejo de Agua y Tierra para la Vida Rural del Puget Sound
Hay mucho que aprender sobre tener la tierra y administrarla. Este folleto le dará muchas ideas e información para poner en practica en su propiedad, de la cual usted se sentirá orgulloso. Todos nosotros somos parte de una cuenca hidráulica y nuestras acciones pueden afectar a otros. Las acciones que usted y sus vecinos hagan pueden mejorar grandemente la salud de los recursos del Puget Sound que todos apreciamos.
Plants that Attract Bees Fact Sheet
Bees are most attracted to flowers that are bright white, yellow or blue; and if the petal shapes are shallow, tubular or have a landing platform. Native pollinators are more attracted to native plants, so consider using some or all native perennials, shrubs and even trees. These plants are also better suited to our soils and climate, making them a lower maintenance/lower cost choice for you.
Habitat Planning for Beneficial Insects – Xerces Society
Beneficial insects play an important role in Integrated Pest Management. Learn how to support populations of beneficial insects around your farm to incorporate them into your pest management strategies.
Controlling Pests With Birds Article | Audubon Magazine
Article detailing how birds provide valuable ecosystem services, defending crops, such as grapes and coffee, from insects.
Attracting Birds of Prey for Rodent Control
Oregon State University Extension Living on the Land Series
Raptors like barn owls and American kestrels can be a helpful addition to your rodent management program. Learn how to attract these beautiful and beneficial birds to your farm and reduce your reliance on poisons for rodent control.
Hedgerow Planting for Pollinators
Hedgerows provide fantastic habitat for pollinators and pest predators, including birds. This guide from the Xerces Society gives you detailed instructions on how to plant and maintain a hedgerow.
illustration by andrew holder
Know the Habitat on Your Farm – Xerces Society
You may already have pollinator habitat on your farm. This article serves as a companion to the Farming for Bees booklet. It provides a visual tour of potential pollinator habitats around working farms as well as tips for improving these habitats.
Farming for Bees Booklet | Xerces
Farming for Bees outlines ways to protect and enhance habitat for native crop pollinators in the farm landscape. Containing a wealth of information about common groups of native bees, their habitat requirements, and conservation strategies to increase their numbers on farms.