Glenwood Elementary Students
/“These four amazing Glenwood students absolutely blew me away with their courage, their compassion, and their advocacy. They came to the Legislature to use their voices and speak up for our planet, not only for the benefit of our community today – but for the benefit of our community’s future. I couldn’t be more proud and inspired by these young changemakers, and I can’t wait to watch them continue to make this world a better place.”
Colton Martin at the State Capitol
Nominated by their teacher, Andrew Fritz, Glenwood Elementary School in the Lake Stevens School District for their testimony to the State Legislature about styrofoam and its impact on water quality and wildlife.
Kylee Reynolds - 5th Grade - 11 years of age
Madison Descrescenzo - 5th Grade - 11 years of age
Colton Martin - 6th Grade - 12 years of age (former student of Andrew Fritz)
Riley Gibson - 6th Grade - 12 years of age (former student of Andrew Fritz)
His former students testified at the Washington State House Committee in support of banning restaurant styrofoam containers. Senator Das specifically asked for them to testify from last year's paper's they wrote.
Nomination Highlight Video
Watch the students testimony via Senator Das’ Facebook page: