Terry Williams
/“Terry has worked tirelessly to establish collaborative forums to tackle some of the tough issues surrounding salmon recovery and the restoration of Puget Sound.”
Terry is, and has been an important leader in the tribal and salmon recovery communities throughout the Pacific Northwest since the 1980’s. Previously as the Tribal Liaison to the Environmental Protection Agency, and currently as Commissioner of Fisheries and Natural Resources, Terry often speaks to groups about tribal treaty rights and the importance of working together with private landowners. He has dedicated his lifetime working tirelessly to establish collaborative forums to tackle some of the toughest issues surrounding salmon recovery and the restoration of Puget Sound. He has lead efforts to establish a number of important groups that foster and implement his collaborative spirit including: the Northwest Straits Commission, Marine Resource Committees, Qualco Energy, Snohomish Salmon Recovery Forum, Snohomish Sustainable Lands Strategy and the Puget Sound Partnership Local Integration Organizations.