City of Edmonds Rain Garden Pilot Project

The City of Edmonds is working with the Conservation District and WSU Extension to start a Rain Garden Program to promote the use of rain gardens around the City.  As a way to jump start the program, we're organizing a rain garden cluster installation in a neighborhood in Edmonds.  We want to find at least 6 property owners within the same neighborhood(s)* to agree to install a rain garden on their property. 

*A neighborhood would be houses within a couple blocks of each other, close enough for a walking tour.

Design and Construction Costs

  • The City of Edmonds will cover the majority of the cost of the project, since these rain gardens will reduce the flow to the City-owned stormwater system. The homeowner will be provided assistance with including site evaluation, design, construction, and basic plants for the lower part of the rain garden.
  • Additional ornamental planting will need to be supplied by the property owner.

Ideal Neighborhood Requirements

  • soil conditions must be favorable for a rain garden
  • must have at least 6 residents willing to install a rain garden
  • rain garden must be visible from the street
  • property owner must be willing to help install rain garden
  • property owner must be willing to sign 5-year maintenance agreement

Samples of Rain Gardens (constructed under the Everett Rain Garden Program)

This project is very similar to the City of Everett Rain Garden Program, that has installed 22 rain gardens to date. 


  • For technical and design questions, contact Derek at derek(at) or 425-377-7012
  • For program questions, contact Kate at kate(at) or 425-377-7004
  • To talk to the Program Director at the City of Edmonds, contact Michael Cawrse at michael.cawrse(at) or 425-771-0220
  • For planting or landscape questions contact Philomena Kedziorski at p.kedziorski(at) or 425-357-6037

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