Wrapping Up Our 36th Annual Plant Sale

Got Plants?
And that’s a wrap! After months of Zoom meetings, planning, and a weekend of epic proportions, our staff are happy to close the lid on the 36th Annual Plant Sale. Wow!
This year, we had 1,262 orders. As you know, each order can have more than one plant (some of you ordered enough to fill multiple large bags!) Our staff, volunteers and crews spent the previous week filling each order and organizing them in different horse stalls throughout the building. When it came time for “game day,” we separated the workload by runners for plants, pots, and order announcers. The Plant Sale has always been an energetic event for us, but this year, we were as busy as a bee hive.
While the past two years we’ve encouraged folks to come on "Slow Sunday," Saturday is still clearly the favorite choice. We had over 800 orders picked up in one day, twice as many as Sunday, While the wait was very long for some of you, we still saw plenty of smiles and creative methods to occupy yourselves in the line. One couple fit in three Zoom meetings and crocheted in their car!
From all of us at Snohomish CD, we’d like to thank our amazing patrons, staff, and volunteers for their patience, enthusiasm, and willingness to adapt. Here’s to next year!
To stay up-to-date on our Annual Plant Sale, subscribe to our e-news.
Tips On Planting
Our volunteers enjoying a Dance break!
Now’s the perfect time to get your plants in the ground. Native plants are not meant to go indoors and do best in the soil.
If some of your plants are a little brown or wilted, that’s normal. At this time of year, plants are dormant (think “winter rest”) due to the cold temperatures and shorter daylight hours of winter. These sleeping plants will regrow from their roots with the arrival of spring. This is why it’s important to get them in the ground before they begin to bud.
For more information on caring for your plants, as well as a helpful infographic, visit our official Plant Sale website!