Location: West of Arlington
Activity: Plant a 6.5-acre riparian buffer. The stream on the property is a tributary to Pilchuck Creek and has been a documented spawning stream for Coho. A new channel was dug this past summer to increase salmon survival as they migrate upstream, and a buffer planting is typically done to keep water temperature low and dissolved oxygen levels high.
Date: Thursday, February 23
Of Note: This was a rare 3-crew sighting! While this planting has been an ongoing project for the last several months; on Thursday, our WCC crew got some help from the City of Arlington's WCC crew* and our new Veterans Conservation Corps (VCC) crew. The VCC crew is a brand new crew of U.S. military veterans that we created in partnership with the Veterans Conservation Corps. This crew, of 4 veterans, has broad backgrounds covering several decades of military service. Stay tuned for more information and features with this crew- they will primarily focus on executing the construction of rain gardens and other stormwater related projects.
* Normally contracted with the City of Arlington as part of an agreement with the City and the Washington Department of Natural Resources to help cross-trained WCC crew members.